class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Using GRASS GIS ## with GRASS commands and from R ### Floris Vanderhaeghe ### Research Institute for Nature and Forest, Brussels ### 2021-06-17 --- class: center, top background-image: url( background-size: 200px # Introducing GRASS GIS <style type="text/css"> .remark-code-line-highlighted { background-color: #ff80; font-weight: bold; } </style> --- # Note - Please go to <> for official documentation. - GRASS GIS documentation uses the GPL license. Since this presentation recycles some GRASS GIS documentation, it is licensed under the terms of the [GNU General Public License]( (>=v2). --- layout: true # GRASS GIS: intro --- - **G**eographic **R**esources **A**nalysis **S**upport **S**ystem, commonly referred to as GRASS GIS -- - GRASS GIS: used either as a stand-alone application or as backend for other software packages such as QGIS and R or in the cloud -- - vector and raster geospatial data management, geoprocessing, spatial modelling and visualization -- - Linux, Mac and Windows -- - both an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) and a command line syntax -- - FOSS: GPL-license -- - Neteler M., Bowman M.H., Landa M. & Metz M. (2012). GRASS GIS: A multi-purpose open source GIS. Environmental Modelling & Software 31: 124–130. --- - under continuous development since 1982 - 1980s: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (USA/CERL) started development as _Fort Hood Information System (FHIS)_, from which grew the more general purpose GRASS GIS. Several universities adopted GRASS as an important training and research environment. -- .center[<img src="" alt="First GAIA award for GRASS GIS" width="250" align="middle"> ] --- - 1990s: US federal agencies, universities, and private companies got also involved in the development -- - since end of 1990s: multi-national 'GRASS Development Team' led by University of Hannover in Germany (Markus Neteler) .center[<img src="" alt="Some of the GRASS dev team members" width="250" align="middle"> ] .center[_Some team members_] -- - 1999: first release under GPL license -- - 2006: formation of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation ([OSGeo](, with GRASS GIS as a founding member _<>_ --- layout: false # <> <iframe src="" width="100%" height="460px"></iframe> --- layout: true # Overview --- - GRASS installation architecture -- - GRASS CLI - `grass --text [[[<GISDBASE>/]<LOCATION>/] <MAPSET>]` -- - GRASS GUI - `grass --gui [[[<GISDBASE>/]<LOCATION>/] <MAPSET>]` -- > _Since GRASS modules require a specific environment, this program must be called before any other GRASS module can run._ -- > _The startup program will remember both the desired user interface and mapset. Thus, the next time the user runs GRASS, typing `grass` (without any options) will start GRASS with the previous settings for the user interface and mapset selected._ --- We'll discover 4 methods to use GRASS CLI: - from a shell program, after running `grass --text` -- - from the console of the GRASS GUI -- - with help from R, after running `rgrass7::initGRASS()`: - in the RStudio terminal -- - from R, using `system()`, `shell()` or `rgrass7::stringexecGRASS()` --- layout: true # Temporary versus persistent 'project' --- ```bash *GRASS 7.8.5 ~ $ g.gisenv GISDBASE=/tmp/grass7-floris-6520 LOCATION_NAME=tmploc MAPSET=PERMANENT GUI=text PID=6531 ``` Directories are set as **GRASS variables** (`<GISDBASE>/<LOCATION>/<MAPSET>`): -- - **GIS database** -- - **location**: defined by 1 CRS. So different CRSs = different location directories -- - **mapset**: primarily useful for different access rights or separation of content. Default mapset is `PERMANENT`: just use that. --- When working inside just one CRS: - just make a location directory (consider it your GRASS project directory), with subdir `PERMANENT`. And set the location CRS with GRASS command `g.proj`. - e.g. `g.proj -c --quiet epsg=31370` -- - presence of mapset `PERMANENT` in location is checked when invoking GRASS. -- - setup of location & mapset can also be guided, by first launching the GUI -- - so do it manually when only working from R --- Example of a code repository structure containing a _persistent_ GRASS GIS project: ```bash *$ tree myrepository/ myrepository/ ├── data │ ├── binary │ ├── csv │ └── grass_dir │ └── PERMANENT ├── docs ├── └── src ``` -- Make `grass_dir` git-ignored! --- Temporary GRASS location (e.g. by running `grass` with `--tmp-location`): lives in a temporary folder ```bash *GRASS 7.8.5 ~ $ g.gisenv GISDBASE=/tmp/grass7-floris-7201 LOCATION_NAME=tmploc MAPSET=PERMANENT GUI=text PID=7212 GUI_PID=8977 ``` = useful for trying stuff, or for GRASS code you want to be run from R every time --- layout: false class: center, top background-image: url( background-size: 200px # Using GRASS GIS --- layout: false # Starting GRASS from the shell - Existing project: `grass --text locationdir/PERMANENT` - Temporary project: `grass --text -c EPSG:31370 --tmp-location` For this approach to work, `grass` (or `grass78` which it links to) must be in your `PATH` env variable. Otherwise you must enter the full path of the executable, e.g. `/usr/bin/grass --text`. (Starting GUI: `grass --gui`) -- - Importantly, this launches a new shell in which the `PATH` env variable has been expanded with the individual GRASS module directories ==> they're now available as commands. --- ```bash *$ grass -c EPSG:31370 --tmp-location Starting GRASS GIS... Creating new GRASS GIS location <tmploc>... Cleaning up temporary files... __________ ___ __________ _______________ / ____/ __ \/ | / ___/ ___/ / ____/ _/ ___/ / / __/ /_/ / /| | \__ \\_ \ / / __ / / \__ \ / /_/ / _, _/ ___ |___/ /__/ / / /_/ // / ___/ / \____/_/ |_/_/ |_/____/____/ \____/___//____/ Welcome to GRASS GIS 7.8.5 GRASS GIS homepage: This version running through: Bash Shell (/bin/bash) Help is available with the command: g.manual -i See the licence terms with: g.version -c See citation options with: g.version -x Start the GUI with: g.gui wxpython When ready to quit enter: exit To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>". See "man sudo_root" for details. GRASS 7.8.5 ~ $ ``` --- layout: true # Meet some basic commands, explore docs & GUI --- - `g.gisenv` - `g.manual` - `g.manual -i` - `g.manual g.gisenv` - `g.proj -w` - `g.gui &` --- - related commands share the same prefix, e.g.: prefix | | topic :---- | --- | :------ g. | | general v. | | vector r. | | raster db. | | attribute database d. | | display --- layout: false # Interactive usage: example 1. load data extract from Flemish Habitat Map WFS - `` - uses URL adapted from [WFS tutorial]( 1. dissolve - `v.dissolve` 1. rasterize - `` 1. calculate raster stats - `r.stats` --- # GRASS commands (with syntaxis) can be used in various places - from a shell program, after running `grass --text` -- - from the console of the GRASS GUI -- - with help from R, after running `rgrass7::initGRASS()`: - in the RStudio terminal -- - from R, using `system()`, `shell()` or `rgrass7::stringexecGRASS()` --- layout: true # rgrass7::initGRASS() --- - `initGRASS()` - > _Run GRASS interface in an R session not started within GRASS_ - > _The function initializes environment variables used by GRASS_ -- - `initGRASS(gisBase, home, SG, gisDbase, addon_base, location, mapset, override = FALSE, use_g.dirseps.exe = TRUE, pid, remove_GISRC=FALSE)` - important: - `gisDbase`, `location`, `mapset`: default to temporary directories. For a persistent project, set them to existing directories (with `mapset = "PERMANENT"`) -- - `gisBase`: _the directory path to GRASS binaries and libraries, **containing bin and lib subdirectories** among others_ --- ```r gisbase_grass <- ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", link2GI::paramGRASSw()$gisbase_GRASS[1], link2GI::paramGRASSx()$gisbase_GRASS[1]) gisbase_grass ``` ``` ## [1] "/usr/lib/grass78" ``` -- ```r as.matrix(list.dirs(gisbase_grass, recursive = FALSE, full.names = FALSE)) ``` ``` ## [,1] ## [1,] "bin" ## [2,] "demolocation" ## [3,] "docs" ## [4,] "driver" ## [5,] "etc" ## [6,] "fonts" ## [7,] "gui" ## [8,] "lib" ## [9,] "locale" ## [10,] "scripts" ``` --- - example for persistent project: ```r initGRASS(gisBase = gisbase_grass, home = tempdir(), gisDbase = file.path(find_root(is_git_root), "data"), location = "grass_dir", mapset = "PERMANENT") ``` ```bash myrepository/ ├── data │ ├── binary │ ├── csv │ └── grass_dir │ └── PERMANENT ├── docs ├── └── src ``` --- - example for temporary project: ```r initGRASS(gisBase = gisbase_grass, home = tempdir(), mapset = "PERMANENT") ``` --- After running `initGRASS()`, you can interactively use GRASS commands in the RStudio terminal, or wrap GRASS commands in R! --- layout: false class: center, top background-image: url( background-size: 200px # GRASS from R --- layout: true # Working with GRASS from R Three options to run GRASS command **from within R**: - `system()`, `shell()`, `execshell()`: not using `rgrass7` (can also take multiple lines) --- ```r # running system commands available in PATH: # below command calls system() on Unix-like OS, shell() on Windows execshell <- protocolhelper:::execshell # remotes::install_github("inbo/protocolhelper") ``` -- ```r execshell("g.proj -c --quiet epsg=31370") ``` --- - wrapping each command line in `rgrass7::stringexecGRASS()`: a wrapper around the original `rgrass7::execGRASS()` ```r stringexecGRASS("g.proj -c --quiet epsg=31370") ``` -- - breaking up command as arguments of `rgrass7::execGRASS()`: ```r execGRASS("g.proj", flags = c("c", "quiet"), epsg = 31370) ``` --- layout: true # Working with GRASS from R --- ```r stringexecGRASS("g.proj -w") ``` ``` ## PROJCS["Belge 1972 / Belgian Lambert 72", ## GEOGCS["Belge 1972", ## DATUM["Reseau_National_Belge_1972", ## SPHEROID["International 1924",6378388,297, ## AUTHORITY["EPSG","7022"]], ## AUTHORITY["EPSG","6313"]], ## PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, ## AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]], ## UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433, ## AUTHORITY["EPSG","9122"]], ## AUTHORITY["EPSG","4313"]], ## PROJECTION["Lambert_Conformal_Conic_2SP"], ## PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",90], ## PARAMETER["central_meridian",4.36748666666667], ## PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1",51.1666672333333], ## PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2",49.8333339], ## PARAMETER["false_easting",150000.013], ## PARAMETER["false_northing",5400088.438], ## UNIT["metre",1, ## AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]], ## AXIS["Easting",EAST], ## AXIS["Northing",NORTH], ## AUTHORITY["EPSG","31370"]] ``` --- [`rgrass7`]( checks the required command syntax, within R, based on the `--interface-description` XML output of each command -- - `execshell()`: advantage of accepting entire GRASS script; supports maximum number of commands - `rgrass7::execGRASS()`: advantage that the GRASS command parameters can be more easily programmed in R - `rgrass7::stringexecGRASS()`: advantage of using original GRASS syntax (e.g. copied from GRASS session), while following `rgrass7` philosophy of handling user input in R -- Of course all three can be mixed in the same script. --- Advantages of working with GRASS from R: - combines forces of GRASS _and_ R -- - R adds the facilities to create an overall reproducible workflow (e.g. literate programming with R markdown) -- - interact with spatial R objects using [`rgrass7`]( functions: - `readVECT()` - `writeVECT()` - `readRAST()` - `writeRAST()` -- - supports `sp`, `sf` and `stars` objects (and others if you convert in R) -- - set to using either `sp` or `sf`+`stars` with `use_sp()` or `use_sf()` -- - advice: if GRASS must work on already existing data (cloud / disk), let GRASS read it directly (`writeXXX()` will cause an extra write + read step by using an intermediate file) --- layout: false # Complete workflow as Rmd See <>. --- # Some other bridges to open GIS software - QGIS from R: <> -- - PostGIS from R: <> - demo: <> -- - SAGA-GIS from R: <> -- See <>. --- class: inverse, center, middle # Questions?